Welcome to the newly launched website for the WA Data Science Innovation Hub! We are so excited to be here and we’re looking forward to working with the WA Data Science Community to drive adoption and innovation in data science in WA.

We are a young hub but plan on BIG things! And one of the key themes of the Hub is to keep you informed of all the goings on in data science in WA. Data Science is such an exciting space to be in, and there are so many fantastic data science initiatives happening in WA right now. But what is data science, and why should we care about it?

You are likely familiar with the term Big Data, large amounts of data that can be used for analysis to help organisations solve problems. Organisations around the world, including here in WA, began collecting large amounts of data quite some time ago. In fact, WA led the world in the collection and linkage of health data in the 70s. And whilst it has been known for some time that the use of data can produce valuable insights, it is only recently that techniques and tools in data analytics have progressed to a point where these large and complex data sets can become truly valuable.

Here in WA, we have some amazing examples of data science in practice. Resource companies are using data science to help them predict when assets will require maintenance and allow sites to be operated remotely, the health industry is training machines to diagnose a raft of conditions, farmers are using data science to help them predict when to harvest, and governments are solving a raft of social issues through the application of data science. Data science cuts across all industries, and the opportunities to leverage data science to solve problems are endless.

It is these amazing example of data science in action in WA that the Hub will share on this website, along with how you can get more involved in the data science community in WA. The website will be a one stop shop for all your data science needs.

We look forward to engaging with you as we explore how we can best serve the WA data science community. Our vision is to enable the application of data science for the benefit of all West Australians and we look forward to working with you to help realise this vision for WA.

The WA Data Science Innovation Hub Team


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