In the Media

Speaking engagements, TV, Radio, Presentations, Events and more


Image of Alex Jenkins

Director Alex Jenkins

WADSIH in the media

The team at WADSIH are available to talk on a range of topics relating to AI and data science, and can tailor its content to suit school students, parents, industry leaders, government departments and more. Director Alex Jenkins has a wide range of experience speaking in front of large audiences, including at TEDxPerth and for news outlets including the ABC and SBS. For more WADSIH news, click here.

You can find Alex’s Speaking profile here.

12th August 2023 – India Education Diary, ‘Curtin University Hosts The Data And AI For Business Conference And Exhibition’

11th August 2023 –, ‘AI will revolutionise everything: Data Science conference

10th August 2023 – Science Meets Business, ‘Conference maps AI revolution set to overhaul every industry’

7th August 2023 – Executive Career, ‘AI Summit airs concerns

7th August 2023 – The University of Notre Dame, ‘Annual Research Forum explores the future of educational research in the Digital Age

4th August 2023 – ABC radio, ‘Businesses need to adapt to AI or be left behind’

4th August 2023 – The West Australian, Mine data could lead AI sector’

4th August 2023 – Drones & Robotics, ‘AI to overhaul every industry’

3rd August 2023 – ABC News, TV, Businesses are being urged to educate themselves on AI or risk being left behind’

3rd August 2023 – The West Australian, ‘Mining big data could help WA stay the leader in resources AI’

3rd August 2023 – Bunbury Community Radio, ‘Academics have suggested that the mining sector should adopt AI as a resource to locate new deposits’

3rd August 2023 – Mirage News, ‘AI Revolution Poised to Transform All Industries Mapped at Conference’

3rd August 2023 – The National Tribune,‘Conference maps AI revolution set to overhaul every industry’

2nd August 2023 – ABC, Online, ‘Businesses need to embrace AI ‘revolution’ or get left behind’

2nd August 2023 – Channel 10, TV, ‘WA being urged to prepare for the arrival of AI’

2nd August 2023 – 6PR, Radio, ‘Adapting AI tools in the resource sector’

2nd August 2023 – ABC, Radio, ‘AI and our jobs’

28th July 2023 – Business News, ‘Business urged to embrace AI’

24th July 2023 – Channel 9, TV, ‘AI in the classroom’

24th July 2023 – 6PR, Radio, ‘How we can navigate AI’

24th July 2023 – The West Australian, ‘Alex Jenkins: How artificial intelligence could be a game changer for education

20th July 2023 – The West Australian Government, ‘Conference to demystify AI for businesses

6th June 2023 – ABC News, “AI is changing the way that people work, with advocates arguing the technology will make workplaces more efficient”, Television.

6th June 2023 – Curtin University, “Interview with Alex Jenkins, Director of WA Data Science Innovation Hub (WADSIH)”, Radio

5th June 2023 – Radio National (RN), “There are fears there could be widespread job losses in graphic design as a result of the surge of creative AI tools”, Radio

5th June 2023 – ABC News, “AI is changing the way that we work”, Television

1st June 2023 – Scimex, “EXPERT REACTION: Australia considers ban on ‘high-risk’ uses of AI”, Article

1st June 2023 – Curtin University, “AI chiefs warn of humanity’s ‘extinction risk'”, Article

31st May 2023 – The Australian, “AI poses ‘risk of extinction’, warn industry leaders”, Article

31st May 2023 – RTRFM Radio, “Artificial Intelligence develops new antibiotic that can be used effectively against a deadly ‘superbug’”, Radio 

30th May 2023 – RTRFM Radio, “Interview with Alex Jenkins, Director of WA Data Science Innovation Hub (WADSIH)”, Radio 

24th May 2023 – ABC Sydney’s Nightlife, “AI is booming: Will it make us or break us? Just what is ‘productivity’? GPs, Menopause or HIT”, Radio

18th May 2023 -SBS News,”The ChatGPT job advert giving us a glimpse into the future of AI in the workplace”, Article

14th May 2023 – The Australian, “Control AI or Risk 1984 Future says Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay”, Article 

13th May 2023 – The Australian, “Google Quietly Changes Progressive AI Chatbot Coalition calls on Government Response”, Article 

15th April 2023 – TRT (Turkish Public Broadcast Service), “Should we put a halt on AI development?”, Youtube

14th April 2023 – ABC News – World, “What industries will be most impacted by advanced in AI technology?”, Television

12th April 2023 – The Australian, “YourGPT: in-house chatbot competitor announced”, Article 

5th April 2023 – Western Independent, “Mining AI for all it’s worth”, Article 

4th April 2023 – RTRFM Radio, “Is AI potential risk to society?”, Radio 

1st April 2023 – TEDxPerth, “An AI tutor for every child”, Live Presentation 

16th January – ABS News, “The AI Revolution is upon us”, Article  

12th May 2022 – The West Australian, “Our Future is Data Science”, Article 

Curtin University, “The future of Self-Driving Vehicles”, Lecture

Curtin University, “How AI will revolutionise education”, Lecture

ABC Radio, “AI & Algorithms”, Radio

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