Thank you to everyone that joined us online for our International Open Data Day webinar. We joined forces with various government agencies to look at the importance of open data, and how open data is adding value to WA project. Our webinar was one of only two Australian hosted events for International Open Data Day, so thank you to everyone who took part.

We were joined by Jonas Petersen, A/Chief Information Officer; Catherine Fletcher, Information Commissioner; Dr Ting Lin, Research Analyst Spatial Services, WA Department of Health; Chris Gentle, Program Director Biodiversity Data and Information Management, WA Biodiversity Science Institute; Dr Louise Bruce, Principal Engineer, BMT Global; and Jenny Smith, Manager, Data Collaboration, Landgate.

In case you missed it, you can view the recorded session HERE.

We also opened the floor to audience questions, but unfortunately we didn’t have time to address them all, so you’ll find our presenters responses to your questions HERE.

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