
Data Science for Business Conference & Exhibition 2022

Data Science for Business Conference & Exhibition 2022

The Data Science for Business Conference & Exhibition (DSB2022) was bigger and better than we could have imagined! Thank you to everyone who came along and supported us in making this a reality.  We delivered a packed agenda over the two days, featuring a diverse range of speakers, topics and workshops. Special thanks to all of our presenters who took the time out of their busy schedules to share their expertise with the 751 attendees who came to learn, network and explore the many opportunities presented by data science.
Thanks again to our amazing sponsors who made this event possible: Our event Collaboration Partners Optika Solutions (Idoba); Platinum Partners Snowflake and METS Ignited Australia Ltd; Gold Partners Boon Solutions and Insight; Silver Partners illuminance Solutions and Visagio; Research Partner Edith Cowan University; Community Partner Women in Technology WA Inc. (WiTWA); Sponsors FinTech Services Australia and; and Media Partner Business News. And of course our Founding Partners Curtin UniversityDepartment of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation and Bankwest who allow us to deliver such events and activities for the community.

And finally, our exhibitors who pulled off the most amazing exhibition! It’s rare for an exhibition to be bustling from start to finish, but these guys put in the hours alongside us and it made for a fantastic experience – Optika Solutions (Idoba); SnowflakeBoon SolutionsInsightilluminance SolutionsVisagioEdith Cowan UniversityBankwestCurtin Institute for ComputationAustralian Space Data Analysis FacilityData DiversS5 SystemDivergent InsightsDUGCity of JoondalupWA Aust Cyber Innovation HubWater CorporationLemonAppRadiXplore; DDLS; and UXMachines.We’ve had incredible feedback, and we’re already gearing up for DSB2023! If you would like to express your interest as an exhibitor, sponsor or presenter for DSB2023, or you’d like to give us some feedback on DSB2022, please submit HERE.


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